Gulf Oil Tracker

Monday, February 4, 2008

Meet my new pal Drew

I am lodged for the next few days at Ira and Mikes condo near the airport and have Drew (pictured above) to keep me company while they are away during the day teaching. You may think I get lost or forget how to blog. Well, close. I have been running from job to job, working late into the evening trying to finish up all the jobs which still had loose ends dangling here. I was also transporting props around for Lulabel (LaCareys guard), so I had a full schedule. On top of all that, my internet access at LaCareys was hit and miss, so please forgive me. On top of all that, my little grey cells were very stressed out and I just plain forgot. It seemed like only yesterday when I posted last, but as I see from the date of the last posting, it was much longer than that.
So, a recap in a nutshell: working at LaCareys, off to Roswell for a couple of days and staying with David Giddens to paint his drumline floor before their first show, back to LaCareys to load up props for an all night rehearsal in Peachtree City (close to Newnan), rehearsal done at 6am... back to LaCareys to sleep on the floor for a few hours and then head up to Roswell for the Pope HS show. Ran into one of Davids percussion kids who was all smiles and told me they won their class. Nice. Unload props at 6:30, Lulabel performed at 8:30. load the props again and wait for scores. The crowd really got into the show which LaCarey calls Southern Images, but I like to call "Hats and Hoes". They have big straw hats they start out with doing a big dance number and after the rifle feature, do a fast "Color Purple" slave type number spinning hoes. The crowd went wild. I figured they would. They didn't have a full 3 minutes finished yet, so, the score was low...5 penalty points for a short show, one kid went off the floor, and the props weren't padded. oops. Details, details. Hopefully all those things will be fixed by next weekend show and the score will soar. I told them they are on their own for getting props there next time...the kids were hoping I was going to be around as the regular prop lugger and they were starting to get used to it. Hate to let them down, but Florida awaits.


Nancy Dietrich said...

Well, he's cute (Drew, I mean) but can he paint?

Where's Jimbo? said...

You see how he is watching the cat with the ball? Thats about all he can do besides posing. And he even has trouble with that. Every time I tried to get him to sit still for a picture, he'd run upstairs and hide.