Gulf Oil Tracker

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The countdown begins

Well folks, I for one am counting down the days the snow melts...oops....well, just counting down until May when we can finally get another fix of our favorite hero...INDIANA JONES. Damn I missed him. Remember this one? had to be snow. Oh was snakes, but If Indy lived in WI I'm sure he would have said snow.
Start marking the calenders...if you don't have one, you can pretend you are a customer at AnchorBank and get one free.


Nancy Dietrich said...

That's exactly whay Indy would say. I'm so sick of this stuff--or rather, shoveling it--I am ready to move back to Egypt. Who's coming with me?

Where's Jimbo? said...

Well, I s'pose you will need someone to help protect you from the men over there since Jennifer isn't there 2 made a good team. I did love the gamooza's (even though I am probably mispelling them).