Gulf Oil Tracker

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What about Hannah, Ike and Josephine?

The Republican convention was put on hold the first day because Senator McCain and his VP pick felt the need to go to Jackson, MS to keep watch as Gustav approched New Orleans. Maybe this is what helped to steer Gustav a little further West when it hit landfall and saved the city from further devastation. I'm really glad it did, as we all held our breath and prayed for the families in that area. Although NO didn't get the direct hit, there were many others who did have signifcant damage and we hope this time, they will all be helped quickly. It did make me wonder however, if this was all a political stunt on McCains part as the medias focus was going to be to be on the hurricane, and not on the convention. Do you think as Hannah heads towards the East coast followed by Ike, now a category 4 and Josephine close behind, McCain will feel the need to put his campaigning on hold as he sits in the command center to keep watch on what happens in the East also? We all know that what happened following Katrina is what helped to sink Bush's ratings along with 80% of New Orleans.

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