Gulf Oil Tracker

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ike. What will we find the morning after?

Ike hasn't even hit full force yet, but around 8:25 ET at least two beach houses have collapsed in Quintana, in Brazoria County. Homes all along the coast have been inundated, and at least one flooded home caught fire.

What can be done when people refuse to leave when a mandetory evacuation is ordered? Of course it seems like it may be exciting to have stories to tell once it is over, if one survives. Residents had been warned that staying should write their social security numbers on their arms because they will most certainly be dead once Ike finally hits.

Pets left behind to fend for themselves long before Ike actually arrives.
Scholars & Rogues is using twitter for current updates of what is happening from people using the web, phones or IM's.
What happenened to all the lessons we said we learned from Katrina? I am afraid what we are going to find in the morning when Ike hits full force. Let us all remember to say our prayers tonight to whomever we pray to.

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